Looking Further, Seeing More

Heb. 11: 24, 25 By faith Moses…refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God…

The young man stood at the crossroads and considered what lay before him. It was a beautiful world: magnificent buildings, rich people dressed in splendid garments like his own, fancy chariots pimped with gold and silk, the finest food, fun and laughter, money and power. After all he was a prince and heir to the throne. Soon he would be ruler of all this and his word would be law.

He turned and looked in the opposite direction. The contrast was amazing: poverty, people in misery, anxiety and hopelessness on their faces, slaves working under cruel and merciless masters; no sign of comfort or progress anywhere. Which life would he choose? He looked again at the good life on the other side and unbelievably, shockingly, turned his back on it. With firm decision he walked to the side of suffering, pain and misery.

Why? Why did Moses make such an apparently foolish decision? There was no greatness, no wealth, no fame calling him there, yet he made his choice. Why? Because Moses had set his mind on heavenly things. He looked with eyes of faith and saw much further than the wealth and fame of Egypt. He saw the glorious future prepared for the people of God and he had his mind fixed on the promises of God. The pleasures of this earth are only for a short while but the pleasures of God last forever.

So stop! Ask yourself: “Where have I set my mind?” You are ambitious and you have goals in life. It is necessary to have them if you must be successful. You need to plan and work towards your earthly goals, but never forget that they are just a means to an end. Your ultimate goal is eternal life with Jesus. Anything, no matter how fancy, valuable or delightful, that will stand in your way must be resisted and discarded. Like Moses, see things for what they really are and make the right choice today. Claim the real riches that Jesus is preparing for you even now.

Dear Lord, please take charge of my mind and guide me in my choices. Help me to look away from the short-term pleasures of this world and to eagerly look forward to the eternal rewards, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Rosalie Bromfield