Thursday January 30

Murphy is a Fraud!

Rom. 8: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.

Murphy gives himself big ratings. In fact, he is so sure of himself that he doesn’t have an opinion, a suggestion or even a theory. No sir; Murphy has a law. Simply put, it states: “If something can go wrong it will”. Not satisfied with that he adds: “If nothing can go wrong it will go wrong anyway”. There are many Murphyites around; people who are just waiting for the next disaster to happen. They say that a slice of bread will always fall with the buttered side to the ground; that rain will always fall on your laundry day; and “smile now, tomorrow will be worse”.

But hey! I’ve got news for you. Murphy is a fraud. If you listen to him you will always be depressed, discouraged and distraught, because while you are looking out for the next disaster you will not have time to see the blessings you have right now. Yes, life has problems, but God is good, He loves us and good is always stronger than evil. Check this out.

Bad: I slipped and fell. Good: I was able to get up again.

Bad: I stepped in some mud. Good: It’s mud, not...;

Bad: my fiancé (e) got involved with somebody else. Good: it was before the wedding.

Bad: I flunked an exam. Good: I only flunked one.

You see, while we are in this sinful world there will always be problems as Satan tries to frustrate God’s children, but the good news is that for every curse there are a thousand blessings. Also, God has promised to help us through the bad times. He says His grace is sufficient to get us through every trial. In the long run He will make every bad thing work out for our good. I don’t know how He will do that, but He doesn’t tell lies. Finally, He has promised that one day He will give us a new world where there will be absolutely no problems. So, kick Murphy. I don’t know about you, but my future is so bright I’ve got to wear shades. Life is Goood!!!

Lord, thank you so much that all things in life may not be good but they will work out for my good and for my happiness because you are in control. I trust you, in Jesus’ name, amen.