Friday January 3

Know Who is Number One

Ex. 20: 3 You shall have no other gods before Me

When God gave His Ten Commandments, the first one He gave was, “God must be Number One”. We all grow up more or less agreeing with that idea. But, let me ask you? Is God really number one for you? How do you show it? And why should He be Number One anyway? The first question is one only you can answer. The second question, we’ll deal with tomorrow, but let us begin with question number three. There are several reasons that God is Number One.

  1. God was before everything else. As far back as we can think, God was already there – Number One.
  2. God made everything and everybody. It all belongs to Him. He is therefore the Most Important Person in the universe.
  3. God is the One who keeps it all going: the sunrise and sunset, rain, growing of the plants, the beating of your heart, climate control – everything! If He stopped controlling the universe we would all die.
  4. He takes a personal interest in each person and supervises the happenings in the lives of the over 6 billion people who live on Earth.
  5. He knew that on Earth we had no future. We were hijacked by Satan and would die without hope. He sent Jesus to die for us and provide the only hope that we have in life.
  6. He has placed us first because He gave the Very Best He had for us and every day He makes us His number one priority.

When you think about all of that, does He deserve to be Number One? Should we allow anything to be more important to us than the One who made us, owns us and loves us more than anything? I don’t think so. Let Him be your Number One today.

Lord, thank you for making me Your first priority. Help me today to make and keep You as number one in my life, in Jesus’ name, amen.