Tuesday January 28

The Gospel According to Nature

Gen. 1: 31 Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed, it was very good

When was the last time you took notice of the NATURAL world around you? The sky, the trees, or those flowers in your garden, yeah, those chrysanthemums ( Christian-the-what?!)? Maybe you don’t even know what those are. It is quite easy for us to be extra caught up with our computers, tablets and mp4s in this techno driven world. However, today God is asking you to pause for a while and read the bible of nature.


Take a lesson from the gospel according to the flower. Ever noticed how beautiful, yet unboastful the flowers are? They don’t strut around showing off their beauty. They simply and so wonderfully show forth the praise of God and tell of His handiwork. (Psalm 19:1-5). Why not be like a flower today? Be humble, don’t even draw attention to what a master-piece you are; draw attention to who your Master is today! For surely everything from nature has been wonderfully made (Psalms139:14).


I could never exhaust, how much nature shows me that my God is loving, tender and beautiful. But you can find out for yourself. Go on a nature walk, look at your garden, your lawn even and let the Holy Spirit teach you more of the Gospel according to nature.

Lord, teach me to appreciate the beautiful things that you have made and to learn from them the lessons they have to teach me, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Charmaine Lindsay