We Must Never Forget

Ex. 20: 11 For in six days the Lord made the Heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them…

Last Sabbath we said that God is eager for us to know Him. In the time of ancient Israel, the people worshipped idols false gods. God constantly had to be calling them back to true worship. In pointing out the difference between the true God and the false gods of the heathens, there was one special thing the prophets used, and God used it too. They identified Him as Creator God.

God is King, but there have been many kings. He is Father, but there are many fathers. He is Master, but people have served many masters. There have been other providers, protectors, healers, even saviours; but there is only one Creator; the One who made everything. All other masters, providers and healers – all other gods – were made by Him or from things that He has made. As Creator God, He has no competition.

To forget that He is Creator is become confused. If we lose sight of where we are coming from we will be lost. When Darwin and others developed their theories about the beginning of the world and about evolution, it was a serious attack by the devil on the most important truths about God. All across the world we can see the results of this folly. It is taught in the schools and so many respected educators and world leaders believe it. Those who believe in what the Bible teaches about creation are looked upon as being foolish and ignorant. But the Bible says that it is those who teach against the things of God who are foolish.

At creation, God saw the disaster that would result when people forget their Creator and young people especially are called to remember Him (Eccl. 12: 1). God gave us a special gift to always remind us of our Creator and that we are not the great grandchildren of apes. He gave us the Sabbath. Ex. 20: 11 gives us the reason for the Sabbath: “for (because) in six days God created…”. Every time we keep God’s 7th day Sabbath we are owning Him as our Creator. He gave us baptism and the communion service to always remind us of His death and resurrection, that He is our Saviour. But He does not want us to forget that He is Creator. To do so is to deny His highest identity.

Lord, help me to honour you always by remembering you as my Creator and my God, in Jesus’ name, amen.