God’s Home Video

Gen.1: 31 And God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good

My mind wanders. It wanders when I am in church during boring readings and extra-long prayers. I am not proud of it, but it helped me recently to get an awesome vision.

Travelling through the countryside, I gazed at the winding river and lofty mountains, the green trees and curious rock formations. My mind wandered to Genesis 1 how wonderful it would be to see creation in action. I thought how much I enjoy sharing pictures with my friends and that since God is our friend He would probably like to share his memories with us in Heaven.

Imagine watching a physically interactive Creation movie with 3D video and surround sound with God!

Day one: Out of nowhere this bright, warm light appears, shining on a shapeless blob of rock and water.

Day two:God uses water to make the atmosphere! That’s awesome. The clouds and the various layers of the atmosphere including the gasses that comprise air. They say water is just hydrogen and oxygen, but God defies modern science.

Day three: God separates the water from the rock and makes land and seas. Imagine seeing Jamaica rise out of the sea; mountains popping up all over the world: Mount Everest, the Himalayas, and the Andes Mountains. Later, trees laden with fruit, and all manner of plant life spring up out of nowhere.

Day four: God makes the sun, the moon and the stars. If sunsets today can be so beautiful, then that first sunset must have been beyond words.

Day five: The flapping of wings fills the air and the water churns as fish of all shapes and sizes appear.

Day six: Here a squawk, there a grunt, a ruff-ruff here and a moo-moo there. A cheetah appears racing across the plain and the ground quakes under elephants’ feet. They all sing a chorus of praise: the lions singing bass, the elephants baritone, the birds soprano and tenor. God kneels down, forms the first man out of earth, breathes into his nostrils – giving him life – and calls him Adam. Before the day is over Adam names all the animals and realizes he is alone. God puts Adam to sleep, surgically removes one of his ribs and makes a woman. God marries them and instructs them on how to live in this new world.

Day seven: God rests and blesses this day as the Sabbath. Have you ever noticed how truly beautiful the sunset is? Isn’t it fitting that God chose the sunset to announce the beginning and end of the most amazing day ever created: the Sabbath?

That was a cool show right? If that’s not a reason to want to go to Heaven, then I don’t know what is. Let’s work towards it.

Lord, help me to get to Heaven so I can see and hear more about your greatness, in Jesus’ name, amen.

David Dunk Jr.