You’re a VIP

Matt. 19: 14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of Heaven”

I once heard a short poem that went something like this:
The father heard his children scream
And so he threw them in the stream
Saying as he drowned the third
“Children should be seen, not heard”.

This corny little poem is not even amusing these days, when we realize that there are people who would actually do that. Every day we hear about children who are abused and mistreated. There are frightening stories in the news about children murdered, while others go missing, kidnapped by evil persons and are never seen alive again. Among those that are “safe” at home, many of them are made to feel unwanted and unimportant, especially when important people are around. Even at church, if something is to be left out of the programme it often is the children’s story. Most sermons are prepared for adults while the children are ignored; and if a meeting is to be held on Sabbath it will usually be at AY time.

Jesus’ disciples acted that way one day when some mothers brought their children to Jesus to be blessed. Jesus was very busy preaching, teaching and healing and there were a lot of important persons around, so the disciples said, “Jesus is too busy now to deal with children. Bring them back some other time.” But Jesus didn’t agree with that. He knew a real VIP (very important person) when He saw one, and for Him, children were VIPs. He let everyone else wait and He gave the children His full attention.

And you know something? Jesus still feels that way. He loves children and is very upset when people mistreat them. He is always ready to make time for them, to listen to them and to bless them. He loves when the children take time to talk to Him in prayer, to sing and to read His word. His greatest desire is that all His children will be saved and will live with Him forever. If you are a child never forget this. For older youth, remember that when you treat the younger ones well, it makes the Lord very happy.

Lord, I am so glad that the little children are important to you. Help me to remember that always and to share your special love with your children, in Jesus’ name, amen.