Thursday January 2

Wheel and Come Again

Luke 2: 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and Men

One of the basic laws of life is that all living things grow. So if you are not growing you are dead! It’s true! This is true in everyday life. It is also true in your spiritual life. Jesus said that everyone who wants to be saved must be born again (John 3:5). If you are born again it means you become a new person – a spiritual baby. And then, like every baby, you need to grow up.

Luke 2: 52 tells how Jesus grew. It says He grew in wisdom (intellectually), stature (physically), in favour with God (spiritually) and in favour with man (socially). Jesus, our Example, developed in all areas of His life. We too must know that if we are Christians every part of our lives must be dedicated to God and as we grow spiritually to please God more and more every day, we must do the same physically, mentally and socially. If God is not Lord of our entire lives, He is not Lord at all. Let me use an example to show you what I mean.

The perfect circle (wheel) on the left is all of you and the quarters (quadrants) represent the physical, spiritual, mental and social parts of your life. If the entire circle grows - no problem. You can still turn smoothly. But if one quadrant grows more than the others (like the wheel on the right, you can’t turn smoothly any more. Your life is totally unbalanced.

If we want to be real Christians, growing in Christ, we must grow in all areas TOTALLY. This year we will try to grow together in Christ. Each quarter we will focus on one quadrant of our lives as we seek to grow totally in Christ.

Lord, we commit ourselves to seek you each morning, trying to grow in all areas of our lives as we seek to be Totally Yours, in Jesus’ name, amen.