Better than the Lotto

Mal. 3: 10 …I will…open for you the windows of Heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.

“When I win the lotto….” Do you remember when they had that ad on TV? The lady would dream of all the fancy things she would do if she won. I have watched people join long lines to buy “a ticket to their dreams” and watch them get excited when the radio rang out “Super Lotto-o-o!” A genie in the bottle giving you three wishes; a fairy godmother offering better days – people are always looking for a way to riches, a way to prosperity. Funny how so few people want to try God’s way.

God has promised special blessings to those who enter into a stewardship agreement with Him to return their tithes and give an offering. Hold on! Don’t stop reading! Listen. God wants you to prosper. He said so in 3 John 2. He set out this really cool plan in Malachi 3: 8-10. Simply put, He says: “I will bless you by supplying all your basic needs. You will show that you know that the blessing comes from Me by giving back one tenth of all you gain. I will honour your faithfulness by blessing you so much that you don’t know what to do with it”. Sounds fantastic? It actually works. That is prosperity.

You see, God freely supplies all your food, shelter, protection, health care, enjoyment – every thing that’s good. He doesn’t ask for anything in return - well, no payment. But He does want something. He wants your loyalty, your love and your friendship. He says: “If you really recognize Me as Creator and Lord, then return to Me 10% of all you gain as your way of showing your loyalty. I don’t need it, it is already Mine. You are Mine. But it makes Me happy when you recognize Me.

“When you do that, I will give you more and more and bless you in all areas of life. This will build a relationship between us which is what I really want. Can you trust Me to honour my word and guarantee your prosperity? Just try Me.”

Lord, I want to have faith and to trust You with my success and my prosperity. Give me more faith today, I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.