Wednesday January 1

A New Beginning

Rev. 21: 5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new”. And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful”.

“In the beginning, God created”. That is the first thing we learn about God. He is Creator. He made everything, beautiful things, great things, impossible things, out of nothing. Can you imagine Him just speaking, describing the flowers and the insects and the nature of the soil, the fur of the cat, the process of photosynthesis, long neck of the giraffe and the notes of the nightingale’s song – and they just appear? None of those things existed before He made them. They were all brand new. Then He took some mud and made bone and skin and blood and hair and muscle; out of mud! The first man, the most perfect man was created. And at the end of that first week He looked at it all and said, “Mmmm! That’s very good!”

Have you ever wished you could go back to the beginning? The beginning of you? I mean, like start over? Ever found yourself with some habits that are really bad but just won’t go away? Do you find yourself in destructive friendships and relationships that you need to get out of? Are you perhaps feeling dissatisfied with your Christian life and wondering why you’re not as good as you used to be, or as you should be? Do you sometimes wonder if you’ve gone just too far and that your life cannot be fixed anymore? Are you perhaps becoming afraid because you know that if you don’t change you are headed for destruction?

Listen! God is still the Creator. He still just loves to make beautiful things. In Revelation He promises to make all things new. Yes, He will do that at the end when sin is destroyed. But it is more than that. Today He is willing to make all things new in you; to wipe out the past and give you a new start, a new you. You can begin again and do it better this time. Habits can change. Relationships can change. Directions can change. Everything can change for the better if you will let the Creator God create a new life for you.

On this the first day of a new year the Creator wants to create a new you for you. If He could make the first man out of mud, He can fix one that is already made. Just ask Him to make you over, to give you that new start and promise to cooperate with Him as He does His work. This can be the start of new and beautiful things. This can be the best year of your life.

Dear Lord, You know how much I need a new start. Beginning today, Lord, make me a new person I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.