Limping with Pride

Gen. 32: 25 He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint.

The night was quiet, except for the sound of night insects and the gurgling of the water in the stream. The only light was the twinkling of a million stars. The fresh air smelt of desert flowers. He huddled over the rock in guilt and fear, crying out to God for help, because he could not help himself.

Suddenly someone sprang at him out of the dark; he grabbed the enemy as they both crashed to the ground, his knees and elbows bruised as they rolled among the rocks. His enemy was not speaking, only huffing and grunting as they both tried to overcome each other. Who was this? Was it his angry brother taking revenge? Was it a murderous desert bandit? He only knew he was fighting for his life and he would not give up. It seemed they fought for hours, till he was weary, bruised and bleeding, his clothes torn and drenched with sweat. His throat burned as he tried to breathe and every muscle in his body seemed to be in pain.

No, this was no ordinary man. He couldn’t defeat him, yet the man didn’t seem to want to kill him. Now he was trying to get away, but Jacob held on. This was an angel, a heavenly messenger. Jacob wanted forgiveness and peace. He wanted to know that God would accept him in spite of all the wrongs he had done. He wanted to know that God would be with him tomorrow and all the days ahead; that the future would be secure. He needed this more than anything else in the world. This was his opportunity.

“Bless me” he cried out desperately. “Let me go”, the man replied struggling. But Jacob held on with all the strength he had left. “I will not let you go until you bless me”, he said. And so Jacob got his blessing. The man assured him that God had forgiven and accepted him and that his future was secure. The man also pronounced him a champion and changed his name to Israel – a prince of God.

Seriously injured in the fight, from that day he walked with a limp; but he limped with pride. The limp would always remind him of his greatest struggle and of his greatest victory. Do you need forgiveness, peace of mind, guidance and assurance for the future? Find your quiet time and quiet place, cry out to God for peace and do not give up until you have it. You may be bruised and battered and may wind up walking with a limp, but you will limp with pride; the limp of a champion.

Dear Lord, bless me today with your peace and make me a spiritual champion I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.