You Don’t Have to be Old

Heb. 11: 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac

Hey, Bible student! So you know your Bible? Have you heard the story of the man who was told to offer his son as a sacrifice? Well here is a question for you from that story: Who showed his faith in God when he was tested on Mt. Moriah? Answer: Abraham. Right or wrong? Right. Well…maybe. The answer could also be Isaac! Listen.

Everybody knows Abraham. He is one of the big shots of the Bible because of his faith. But we often overlook another hero of faith: Isaac. The test on Mount Moriah was not just about Abraham. It was Isaac’s test too. Isaac also made the journey. He carried the wood, helped make the altar and almost had his throat cut in this Bible drama.

Isaac was special. First of all, he obviously loved and trusted his father. He readily agreed to go on this hike to the mountains and cheerfully carried the wood for the sacrifice. When he heard that he was to be the sacrifice, he must have been shocked. He could have doubted his father, figuring that the old man had hit his head somewhere. He could have doubted that his father had really heard the voice of God. As a healthy, robust teenager, he could have perhaps pushed his old man over and run away; but he knew his father to be a righteous man and trusted his relationship with God. If Daddy said God said so, then God really said so.

Most important though, Isaac knew God for himself. He believed God and was prepared to obey Him even if it cost him his life. He knew God could stop his father from killing him if He wanted. He knew also that God could bring him back from the dead. But, like the three Hebrew boys in Babylon, he made up his mind that even if God did not choose to save him, he would be obedient to God. That is REAL faith.

So you see, you do not have to be an old man or an old woman to have faith. God expects young people to also know Him, trust Him and obey Him. As you face trying situations in your own life day by day, do you have the faith to obey God, no matter what the consequences are? Like Isaac, be a young man, a young woman of faith.

Lord, teach me to trust you completely, so that like Isaac I will be faithful to you even in critical moments, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.