Your Special Gift

Ps. 118: 24` This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it

Did you say thanks for that special gift? And you are asking “What gift?” The gift of today. Today is your special gift from God. Have you ever thought about it? To be alive today is something to be grateful for. Your heart still beats. You can see and hear and feel! This is a privilege you have not earned, or paid for, that you do not deserve. It is God’s free gift.

But here is more. Today is all you have. Yesterday is gone. It won’t come back. You can’t change it. Tomorrow is not yet here. It may never come for you. Ah, but today! You have today. It is yours to use, to do, to accomplish, to LIVE! You have to live today today. It will not keep until tomorrow. When it ends it will become another yesterday and will never come back. Its only value will be that as you remember it, the memory can help to make you happy or sad.

So live today, love today, laugh today, sing today, be happy today. God wants you to enjoy His gift of today. That’s why He gave it to you. Your life is made up of many todays. Take them “one day at a time”. Ask God to live each today with you, helping you to spend each moment of this precious gift very well. Count your blessings. Be kind to others. Worship God. Share His love. Trust His leading. This is the day the Lord has made; be glad and rejoice in it. Have a wonderful day.

Lord, thank You for the gift of today. May You be pleased with the way I live today, in Jesus’ name, amen.