It’s Booooring!

Gen. 1: 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created Him

One of the most common expressions heard from those under fifteen these days is “It’s booooring!” They say that about classes at school, about sermons at church and quite frequently about Bible Class. Older folks, of course, object to this. They say it’s because the youngsters are shallow and are not interested in spiritual things. Sometimes that’s true, but the youngsters are often right: it is boooooring!

Too often those of us who plan programmes, classes, sermons and presentations do them the way they have always been done. We stick to the “same ol something” because we are afraid that if we try something new it will fail and we will look stupid, or that people will not like it. In fact, sometimes we are just too lazy to think up new ideas. This is not the way it should be. Today’s text reminds us that God is Creator. He is creative. He designed millions of varieties of flowers, insects, fruits and faces. He made the mongoose, the hummingbird, the frog and the mantis. Your face is not like any other, nor is your personality just like your parents’. You are unique.

Having been made in God’s image, means that we are expected also to have a certain amount of creativity. We are not expected to be images of one another, doing things just like other people do them. Unfortunately, too often that happens. So Sabbath School and AY programmes, church services and, yes, Bible Classes get booooring! I don’t think anybody is born without creativity, but I think that from youngest childhood those around us teach us to think like other people. Speak like they speak; tie your shoelaces like they do; drink tea in the morning because it’s the right thing to do; give the welcome at the end of Sabbath School even though the programme is already finished; and yes, the person announcing the opening song must always go on before the person doing the offertory.

Today, celebrate your creativity. Do something differently. Wear a bright yellow bowtie, or put ketchup on your ripe banana. Nobody will die because you do it. Find a new way to give the welcome. Take the offering at the end of the service. Invite the members to wear red to communion instead of white. God is a God of order, but He is not boring and doesn’t like boring. Let us reflect His creative image today.

Dear Lord, I am amazed when I look at the variety that you have placed in Your creation. Teach me how to be creative today and keep my Christianity beautiful and exciting, in Jesus’ name, amen.