Tell The World
Vice President & Ministerial Secretary with
responsibility for evangelism.
The new quinquennium which was ushered in on November 12, 2005, challenged the Union family, not with a new mission, but with a consciousness of the reality and urgency of the unfinished task. That task embodies our mission: The preaching of the everlasting gospel to all the world in the context of Revelation 14:6-12. We were all made aware through the inaugural address by our president, Pastor Patrick Allen, of the evangelistic thrust of the Adventist World Church including West Indies Union Conference, to TELL THE WORLD of the love and soon coming of Jesus.
Realizing the magnitude of the task and the imperfection of man, we dare not venture on this journey unprepared. January 4, 2006, was set aside as Pastors' Day of Fasting and Prayer throughout the West Indies Union territory. The purpose of this day was to fortify us with the appropriate spiritual arsenal necessary to combat the enemy of all righteousness. I must admit that plans in all areas did not materialize as was anticipated, but the blessings received by the Pastors will long be remembered.
Pastor's Comments
“This is the first of its kind, I was blessed in many ways! hope there will be a repeat in the future.”
“This was a divinely inspired program me, something the pastors have needed for a long time, in a sense, it was a repeat of Pentecost.”
“I Hope this will be an annual convocation for all pastors, spirituality is the key to our success in ministry.”
As one travels around the Union field the impact of January 4, is evident among Pastors and members of the Union family. This spiritual platform became the springboard for the official launching of TELL THE WORLD. This was accomplished by way of our Pastor's meetings and Tell the World Sabbath January 14, 2006. Materials prepared such as posters, teaching information were circulated, and presently much has been done, however, a great work is yet to be accomplished.
“The work of God in this earth will never be finished until the men and women comprising the church membership rally to the cause and unite their efforts with that of the Pastors and church officers." GWp. 352
God's spirit convicts sinners, and He places them in the arms of the members of the church. Our job is to lead them by way of love, compassion and understanding, which will enable them to develop a meaningful relationship with God through Jesus Christ. There is somebody in your church community and you are the only individual who can reach such a one. God is therefore counting on you and me to do our part in preparing men and women to enjoy the Edenic restoration of all things.
Bahamas Conference
- Major Family Life Crusade with Dr, Alanzo Smith concluded, with 360 baptisms and the potential for the establishment of a new church is very positive.
- Pastors are motivated and the Sabbath School Unit Plan is moving with great success.
Cayman Island Conference
- Over 129 baptisms and one new church established.
- Churches are all involved in various aspects (seven goals) of Tell the World.
Central Jamaica Conference
- One concluded crusade conducted by Pastor Everett Smith, Sabbath School and Personal Ministry Director, resulting in over 86 baptisms.
- The President of the Conference, Pastor Everett Brown, currently involved in a tent Crusade.
- At least 3 other tent crusades are now in progress with 96 baptized so far.
- Preparatory work is now in progress for more evangelistic outreach, thus the potentials are very encouraging for Central.
East Jamaica Conference
- All entities of the Conference are involved in Hope for the Big City as they penetrate the Metropolis of Kingston.
- Good Samaritan Center in operation.
- Two police Stations have been adopted by the Conference Family.
- Community Outreach Centre in other areas of the city.
- Major city-wide crusade starting April 23, 2006.
- There is Potentials for planting one or two new churches.
North Bahamas Conference
- The Union family joins you in dealing with the loss of your leader a man of vision and dreams. We also applaud you for your courage and determination to continue perusing the goals and objectives of the Conference. Your emphasis on members' involvement through Small Group Ministry is very commendable. Keep pressing on.
North Jamaica Mission
- President of the Mission, Pastor Michael Harvey, is getting ready to move under the Big Tent.
- Other Department leaders and local pastors are presently involved in crusades.
- The laity is utilizing the Tell the World approach to reach families and friends and the potentials for North Jamaica Mission are great.
West Jamaica Conference
- The President of the Conference, Pastor Glen Samuels, has just concluded a major crusade resulting in over 268 baptisms so far, and the potential of establishing one new church.
- Pastors are currently involved in crusades, other pastors are just about getting started and the local churches are motivated and empowered-Tell the World is going places.
Turks and Caicos Island Mission
With over 75% of first quarter goal already reached, one crusade now in progress and another to start soon, the saints in the Turks and Caicos Island Mission will, by God's grace, achieve that which they have set out to accomplish.
“None but those who have fortified their minds with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict" GC. p. 593
"Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that will take the world. GC. 625.
What an impact the Church will continue to have on the world around us, when God's people living out the life of Christ in selfless service, a praying and spirit-filled people nurtured by the Word of God, united under one mission of fulfilling the great destiny as God's ambassador to a waiting world.
I would like to commend our Union Officers, leaders and staff, along with all those in the conferences, missions, institutions and local churches, for what you have done are doing. Heaven is worth much more than what this world has to offer, so press on never doubting, the captain is near.