Health Summit 2006

Part of Delegation from the Cayman Islands and Jamaica

The 5th North American and Inter American Division Health Summit was held in Altamonte Springs Florida from January 29- February 4, 2006. Over 480 delegates were in attendance including 26 from West Indies Union.

Using the theme, Changing Times – Changing Mission, Dr. Des Cummings Executive Vice President for Florida Hospital vividly portrayed the need for the church to maximize the use of the right arm of the Advent Message. Among the things he suggested is for churches and institutions to partner with other civic and religious entities to help people in the community adopt a healthy lifestyle. In other words, make friends with the community. .

A major feature of the summit was the concept of Health Coaching. The idea is to have trained individuals give support to people who are finding it challenging to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Many delegates completed the first module and are eagerly anticipating the second module.

The summit ended on a high note on Sabbath evening as Health Ministries’ personnel shared exciting experiences of changed lives through the intervention of The Gospel according to Health.